i know some of you obviously have Nvidia Cards.......and i know with the latest drivers............you lose the AWESOME control panel u used to have in favour of the "pretty" version.
now, i have got some useful files for you guys:
- Code: Select all
nHancer is a tool to improve the usage of these features. Both normal and advanced users should find nHancer to be a big step forward.
Additionally, nVidia drivers include a unique feature, that allows them to define profiles for every game, which control various image quality, compatibility and optimization aspects. But in the standard control panel, this feature is even more cryptic to use, so most people never bothered about it. http://www.nhancer.com/
http://www.cybermaniac.vault5.com/misc/ ... _32bit.zip
http://www.cybermaniac.vault5.com/misc/ ... _64bit.zip
The files below are registry tweaks/modifications, they will enable the old control panel which Nvidia has DISABLED on their new driver packages, and also there is the lovely coolbits reg mod to enable manual overclocking.
Enable Old Control Panel:
http://www.cybermaniac.vault5.com/misc/ ... dNV_CP.reg
Enable New Control Panel (reverses above reg edit):
http://www.cybermaniac.vault5.com/misc/ ... wNV_CP.reg
Coolbits overclocking (enables you to overclock from within the Nvidia Control Panel):
http://www.cybermaniac.vault5.com/misc/ ... rclock.reg
@ Antivirus
i've modified the JKA settings a bit - i'll be testing the over the next week or so - and i'll let u know my results.